About Team UP

Team UP is a not-for-profit social enterprise initiative based in Camden. Our social mission is to help businesses to support the community through volunteering. We deliver impactful corporate volunteer projects and programmes that match the CSR and corporate community goals of businesses. The impact of our ESV projects meets local social priorities as well as global UN SDGs.

We deliver a fully comprehensive employee volunteering brokerage service for our corporate clients. This includes:

  • Sourcing – We work with our community partners to develop their ideas into achievable transformative projects that business volunteers can deliver.
  • Matching – We bring together available resources, goals and budgets and match them to impactful
    community volunteer projects that deliver win-win results.
  • Planning – We take care of all the details, so that you don’t have to such as: sourcing and purchasing materials and equipment; risk assessments, insurance, safeguarding, volunteer briefing documentation.
  • Risk accessing – We provide you with a full risk assessment of the site and all the activities we have planned.
  • On the Day Support – We will be there in force to support and supervise volunteers to ensure an impactful, safe and fun day.
  • Charity Introduction – Volunteers will meet the charity or community organisation to understand their work and why the volunteering support is needed and important.
  • Facilitating – Our trained supervisors will brief your team on Health & Safety and help them ‘get to grips’ with the work.
  • Evaluating – We will produce an impact report based on the volunteers work with photos of your day.

If you are interested in supporting the local community and volunteer with your team email us on teamup@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk


We are also friends with the environment – we work in a sustainable way.

Meeting Social Priorities

Team UP only matches business volunteers to work and projects that meet real needs and social priorities of the area. Team UP is embedded into the local community and also works at a strategic level across Camden and London to help mobilise and integrate businesses into the community. Current social priorities include but are not limited to: reducing social isolation and loneliness; youth safety; getting more people active. For Camden the Camden 2025 Community Challenges can be found here.

Types of Projects

Team UP works with charities to develop tailored projects according with their needs. From small groups to large, there is a huge range of volunteering opportunities for volunteer teams throughout the year.

  • DIY – Improving a community venue in disrepair – these activities are very much needed by small organisations who lack the funds and resources to carry out the work.
  • Conservation – Improving communitary green spaces – there is a constant need to help improve the green
    community spaces across Camden and the rest of London.
  • Befriending – A huge number of people who are very isolated. In particular a large number who are in care homes or other supportive facility (sheltered housing, day centres, etc.)
  • Skill-based volunteering – Workshops utilising the skills and experience of the volunteer. These activities have the added value of establishing some initial connections between a business and the community.

Social Value

For businesses looking to or already contracted to Camden Council, Team UP can offer expertise and programmes to achieve impactful social value in Camden. We can help tailor support you can offer that will meet social priorities in Camden. To include us in your bid or tender or start implementing your social value please get in touch.

Working with Team UP

Get the benefit of business volunteer support through our free Team UP service. We organise for hundreds of business volunteers to support local organisations every year and if you would like to receive this help then email us at teamup@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk. We will then book a meeting to discuss how we can support you.


We can help you and your colleagues to give impactful support to local charities and residents through our Team UP service. It’s a fully comprehensive managed and tailored service to your business and community goals. To get the full details on our services please email us at teamup@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk. We are flexible and will adapt to your needs and strategy.

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