Join us at our Camden & Islington Spring 2022 Volunteering Fair when we are once again joining forces with our good friends @ Volunteer Centre Islington on Thursday 7th April , 12.30-2pm online via ZOOM. (You must register here on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link!)
Did you know that volunteering is good for you? Studies show that volunteering can improve and maintain your mental and physical health, and well as helping with the effects of stress, anxiety and low self esteem. And the social contact of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on your overall psychological wellbeing. Good times.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84713093354?pwd=OTBzVE9rVFQybE9qYktmb0Z4OTc0UT09
These organisations will be attending the fair:
- Mencap
- Age UK Islington
- Marx Memorial Library
- Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA)
- Walking For Wellbeing (@ Hornsey Lane Estate Community Association)
- Camden Community Champions
- Queen’s Crescent Community Association
- My AFK (Action For Kids)
- Training Link
- North London Cares
Event Timetable
12.30-12.40 Welcomes and introductions from the hosts. Explanation of the fair and how it will work.
12.40-1pm Brief pitch for volunteers from the ten organisations
Then all organisations recruiting volunteers will be popped into ten different breakout rooms. Volunteers can choose to join them there. Each organisation will deliver a short presentation about the volunteering role(s), the organisation itself and the benefits of volunteering with them. This will be repeated three times (see below for timings). You can choose to attend one breakout room, three different rooms or anything in between.
1-1.20pm Breakout room session 1
1.20-1.40pm Breakout room session 2
1.40-2pm Breakout session 3
2pm Event ends, everyone back in the main room for a very quick reminder of the next steps, and then a brief thank you and goodbye!
Before the fair we will send you the Zoom link as well as the full list of the organisations that will be attending, and a bit the roles that they are recruiting for.
After the fair all participants will receive a follow-up email detailing how you apply for the roles and / or contact the organisations that attended the fair.
PLEASE NOTE: Tickets are only needed for people who want to find out about volunteering in Camden & Islington. If you are a non-profit that wants to recruit volunteers in Camden or Islington at the fair, then get in touch with Sheila @ Volunteer Centre Camden (sheila@volunteercentrecamden.org.uk).
These are the organisations that attended the Camden & Islington Spring 2022 Volunteering Fair
a. What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
Mencap Islington Me Time Service runs a Community Volunteering Project based in Islington. The project revolves around supporting people with a learning disability to get out into their local community and volunteer for projects that they are passionate about. As part of this we are planning to run regular volunteering sessions and to host an art exhibition, willow fence making workshops, as well as other events. We would love to involve local volunteers and bring people with and without learning disabilities together through volunteering.
Mencap (UK)
1.5 million people in the UK have a learning disability. Mencap has an ambitious vision for the UK to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives. Volunteering with us is YOUR opportunity to help us achieve this, while having the chance to develop your skills, meet new people and join a passionate and dedicated team.
b. What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
- Our Radio Project Volunteer (Weekly sessions – radio production, interviewers/researchers, support roles)
- Gardening Volunteers – Regular (Weekly mixed-ability sessions in local community gardens)
- Gardening Volunteers – Workshops (Mixed-ability one off events e.g. willow fence making, tree planting)
- Park Art Volunteers (Weekly sessions – Litter picking for litter print making)
- Event Volunteers – Summer Art Exhibition (range of event roles – leafleting, admin, help on the day)
- Community Support Volunteer (Flexible sessions – supporting and enabling people with learning disabilities to volunteer)
c. Why would someone want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
- To make a difference to the lives of people with a learning disability
- To feel appreciated and valued
- To get involved in your local community
- To develop new skills and experiences
- To gain experience relevant to future careers in Health and Social Care and Community Work
We offer a wide range of flexible roles and aim to match people’s interests, skills and availability wherever possible.
d. How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
To express your interest in volunteering please contact:
Jenny Jones, Mencap Community Connection Agent Islington
email: jenny.jones@mencap.org.uk
telephone: 07977160113#
2. Marx Memorial Library
a. What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do) The Marx Memorial Library is a library, archive, museum and education charity. We have a library of over 60000 books housed in our three storey historic building. We run classes, events and lectures and make our unique collections available through a research service.
b. What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s) We are looking for a Volunteer Admin Assistant who will be happy to assist our administrator in communications to our members, coordinating orders through our online shop and much more. We look forward to working with you as part of our small friendly team.
c. Why someone would want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)? Working with us gives you valuable experience working in an office and a library/cultural institution. You will be part of a friendly, committed team of staff, volunteers and trustees. You will have the opportunity of learning new skills with us including working with our website and with our collections.
d. How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply? Yes; please contact us with a copy of your CV and letter with your availability to library@marx-memorial-library.org.uk
3. Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA)
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
We are Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), a small charity with a big history. We emerged out of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in the UK, and since 1994 have campaigned for rights, equality and justice together with civil society organisations and activists across Southern Africa. We are proud internationalists and believe in the power of the people to achieve a region free of poverty.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Challenge Events Volunteer. We have places to offer in both the London Marathon and the Royal Parks Half Marathon, and need help on a number of levels, predominantly to help promote the places and secure runners for ACTSA. We would also need help during the actual events in October, standing at the cheer points during the race.
Event Volunteer. We have a number of events coming up, such as a memorial service at the South African High Commission at the end of April. There will be many attendees so we would need help setting up, during the event, and afterwards, to clear everything away.
Database Volunteer. We have adopted an old database which requires a lot of tidying. If database work is your thing, we’d really appreciate your input!
Why someone would want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
It is a really exciting time to join ACTSA as a volunteer. We are currently in the process of reshaping our focus and you can be part of this shift if you volunteer with us. Our unique history and relationship with the Anti-Apartheid Movement is unlike any other charity – you’ll have the opportunity to meet activists who helped bring an end to apartheid and keep up to date with news from the Southern African region. We are a very small team, but this means that the atmosphere is more friendly and personal. You definitely won’t be bored!
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
You can find more about our work on our website: https://actsa.org or by emailing meg.prindl@actsa.org with any questions you may have.
4. Walking for Wellbeing (@ Hornsey Lane Estate Community Association)
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
Our organisation is called Walking for Wellbeing and it exists for the purpose of creating walks for people in the community to attend to improve their wellbeing – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We have two main types of walks – group walks and one to one buddy walks. The organisation was set up post Covid to help people come out of isolation, meet with others and enjoy walking and is continuing to benefit the community in this new post Covid period.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
We are recruiting for both Group Walk leaders and also One to One Buddy walkers. We have 3 group walks a week and the Group Walk Leaders need to be able to lead walks of a reasonable length. One to one buddy walkers would be assigned a person to visit once a weekend or once a fortnight. Those requiring buddy walks include elderly members of the community as well as younger people who may have difficulties with social interaction or specifically mental health problems.
Why someone would want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
The benefits of volunteering with us are the community of walkers that we have. Buddy walk volunteers may attend group walks and meet and share with other volunteers and there is therefore a social element. The group walk leaders will have the opportunity to help create and design the walks and suggest new walks. They will have the opportunity to own their walks. The local community has a big benefit, members of the community are free to join the walks and meet others and those who are matched up for buddy walks have the opportunity to get to know another person who may be elderly and living alone and who values the contact with their buddy walker and vice versa, the buddy walker would share this benefit. There is an opportunity to make new friends and hear new stories. For younger people who are looking for paid work to have volunteered in this way which show a willingness to help others and this could be particularly useful to those applying to work in the care industry.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
If anyone is interested in volunteering with us they would be most welcome. As the walks coordinator I am happy to speak to anyone in more detail about the roles. The would also be welcome to attend a group walk and to meet others in the programme. The first step would be either to call me on 07985 156876 or email walkleader@hleca.org.uk.
5. Age UK Islington
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
Age UK Islington aims to help residents 16+ in Islington needing some support with a health or wellbeing challenge. We want to support local residents to live as fulfilling and independent lives as possible. The main three groups of people we offer support to are the over 50s, Carers and anyone that has long term or complex health or social care challenges. You can read more about us here: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/islington
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Communication Ambassadors – it sounds fancy but basically we are looking for someone chatty and positive that can attend some events and community hubs to help spread the word about Age UK, the work we do and the people we help. We want to reach as many people as we possibly to let them know of the support that is available to them. You will be given training and lots of support. We are looking to recruit 5 outreach volunteers.
Data entry volunteers – As a data entry volunteer your role will be to keep our records up to date, logging registers of clients attendance at workshops or events. It is important that we know how many people attend which events, so that we can gauge the popularity of events and also so that we identify any clients who stop coming. This role can be done from our busy office in Manor Gardens or from home. We are looking for two data entry volunteers.
Helpline Volunteer – As a helpline volunteer you will answer phone calls and be the first point of contact at Age UK Islington’s (AUKI) helpline. You will provide information and advice on simple queries, refer on to the wider team for others, and record all details from the call onto our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
Wellbeing Caller – We are looking for enthusiastic and empathetic volunteers with great communication skills. As a wellbeing caller, you will phone clients of Age UK Islington (AUKI) to complete a wellbeing check, log details from the call on our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, and flag up anyone that may need more assistance or further access to services.
Why someone would want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
Once you are registered as a volunteer with us you will be part of a big organisation of both employees and volunteers. We hope volunteering with us will be both sociable and feel like you are doing something worthwhile with your time. Age UK Islington would not be able to do the work we do without the support of our volunteers. You will gain in-sight into the work of Age UK Islington & partner organisation services as well as a knowledge of how to use our CRM system.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
Anyone interested in volunteering with us can send an email to: getvolunteering@ageukislington.org.uk
6. Camden Community Champions
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
Community Champions is working across Kentish Town, Kilburn, and Regent’s Park Estate to improve health and wellbeing in a way which follows residents’ priorities and wishes.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Community Champions are volunteers who work with residents to improve health and wellbeing by leading activities. This can be as creative as you like – we think of health and wellbeing in a wide sense.
Why would someone want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
Our volunteers choose to volunteer as they have the chance to give back to their community in a way which is free, open, and volunteer / resident led. People often choose to volunteer as they can focus on their skill / area of interest.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
Get in contact with James on james@elfridacamden.org.uk or phone 07979 756 970
7. Queen’s Crescent Community Association
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
QCCA (Queen’s Crescent Community Association) is a community centre based in Chalk Farm, North London. It supports people of all ages, from small children to the elderly, to live the best lives possible. It’s a place that believes in inclusion, co-operation and tolerance and aims to provide high quality services that are responsive to the needs of the whole community. It runs two nurseries, a youth programme, a project for women and families and an older people’s services.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Telephone Befrienders: volunteers are needed to call an elderly, isolated person once a week. Many vulnerable people are still shielding at home or have lost the confidence to go out into the community, so this service is invaluable.
Accompaniment volunteers: As many of our elderly members have lost a lot of their mobility due to lockdowns, the Older People’s services is looking for volunteers to accompany people on short walks in their local community and also to accompany members on the monthly minibus trips to places of interest.
Lunch and Coffee Morning Volunteers:
Volunteers needed to help serve and clear away after the lunch on Tuesdays and also the monthly social lunch (12pm – 2.30 pm) . Volunteers are also needed to help with the Friday coffee mornings (11-12 pm)
Volunteer Minibus Driver Required: Drivers with a MIDA licence needed to help bring the elderly to the Tuesday lunches (11- 2pm) and any other activities of interest, e.g. talks, exercise classes.
Activities Volunteers: Do you have a craft or skill that you would like to share? Volunteers always welcome to facilitate groups.
Why would someone want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a very negative impact on the physical and emotional wellbeing of the elderly, increasing their sense of loneliness and isolation. Volunteers would be a great asset to help this vulnerable group to regain their health and alleviate loneliness. They could also add this experience to their CV if they were looking for a career in social care, or other health sectors.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they
Volunteers need to complete an application form and also have an up-to-date DBS certificate, the centre will apply for one for them if they don’t currently have one.
Two references will also be needed. QCCA will pay any travel and lunch expenses and also give an induction, training and supervision.
For further information about the volunteer roles, please contact:
Mary Pierce, Older People’s Services Coordinator at QCCA
Tel: 07771 338749 or 020 7267 6635 Email: mary@qcca.org.uk
8. My AFK (Action For Kids)
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
AFK is a national charity supporting young people with disabilities and autism. We help prepare young people with learning disabilities for life after school through our accredited education, training and work experience programmes. We also provide mobility equipment not available on the NHS to disabled children and young people up to age 25 across the UK. We were previously known as Action For Kids. As of 2022, our name is ‘AFK – Working With Disability – Creating Opportunities’.
Our vision is of a world where all people living with a disability get to lead the life they choose.
Our mission is to enable as many young people with disabilities as possible the opportunity to work or volunteer in the community.
Our brand values: we are accessible, friendly and informative.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Supporting Young People with Disabilities – including travel training, coaching young people on work placements or paid employment until they are settled and independent.
Fundraising Volunteers – to support our Fundraising team during week days, evenings or weekend events.
Why would someone want to volunteer with you? What difference will be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
All volunteers will receive full induction and further training including DBS certificate. You will learn new skills and meet a great team of people working alongside our trainees. We ask for a few hours a week of your time to get involved with a range of roles which are interesting and rewarding.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
Complete a simple 2-page volunteer application which will be sent to you with my contact details, Fareeda Southworth, email: fsouthworth@my-afk.org or phone: 07392080686
9. Training Link
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do) TRAINING LINK: We’re a small charity whose aim is to provide free access/support in learning for everyone who needs it, especially for people in the local community.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Involves working 1 to1 with a learner a couple of hours a week to improve their level of Literacy/English. Is for Second language English speakers, and Native speakers. Can be either face to face or online.
Why someone would want to volunteer with you? What difference will
be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
Volunteering on this project could really help improve a person’s life chances by improving their ability/confidence in English. For personal development, it’s a good chance for a volunteer to get valuable teaching experience, and would add to your CV.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
To apply/more info email Chris at admin@traininglink.org.uk … I would then arrange an informal chat and then place the volunteer with someone
10. North London Cares
What is the name of your organisation and its mission (why does it exist, what does it aim to do)
London is an amazing city, full of opportunity and change, but for some of our older neighbours – particularly those who have lived in London their entire lives and seen it change beyond recognition – those changes can be isolating and deepen feelings of anonymity and loneliness that are already synonymous with old age. Similarly young Londoners can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness too. Many have few real roots in the city and feel little sense of belonging in the area they live. North London Cares is a community network of older and younger neighbours, sharing time, stories and skills across Camden and Islington, in an effort to reduce isolation and loneliness and bridge social, generational, digital and cultural divides.
We do this through two main programmes:
Social Clubs: The NLC team host group activities during the day, in the evening and at weekends, where older and younger neighbours come together to learn, laugh and share experiences. From yoga to jazz clubs and trips to the cinema to acting workshops, we try anything and everything – our only rule is no bingo!
Love Your Neighbour: Some older neighbours rarely leave the house, due to issues with mobility or a lack of confidence through isolation. We match a younger and older neighbour so they can enjoy company, conversation, and companionship in the comfort of an older neighbour’s home or in a local spot. These friendships can also take place over the phone for regular calls or a mix of both visits and phone calls.
What is the title of the volunteering role(s) that you are recruiting for and a brief description of that role(s)
Our two main Volunteer Roles are:
- Social Club Volunteer / Neighbour: A volunteer’s role at our Social clubs is very simple: to be a friendly face, listening ear, and get stuck into the Social Club activity with our Older Neighbours. We run regular clubs at different times all through the month both remotely and in-person. All you need to do is book onto however many or few Social Clubs you are able to attend that month. All we ask is that you come along to the Clubs you have booked.
- Love Your Neighbour Volunteer: Volunteering on our 1-2-1 Friendship matching Programme requires a little more commitment. Your main role is to be a friend and enjoy connecting with an older neighbour. You will be required to visit or speak to an older neighbour each week either over the phone or at home with them, whatever works best for you. We ask that you can commit to 6 months of friendship. We require a A DBS Check (paid for by us) and regular record keeping or your visits/ calls.
Why would someone want to volunteer with you? What difference will
be made to them, to your organisation and / or the local community. Are there any other benefits to them (such as personal development, alleviating loneliness, something to put on their CV etc)?
We want volunteering with North London Cares to not feel like volunteering but rather spending time with new friends! As one of our younger neighbours Mengran told us: ‘the younger and older pals are like my family members’. We share everything about our lives in social club’. We hope that you will feel part of your local community and meet people you might never have crossed paths with and have a lot of fun in the process! We have many new older neighbours who are coming along to clubs for the first time after the pandemic and we need new younger neighbours to come along with them. Here are the other main benefits of volunteering with North London Cares:
- Confidence building – We have opportunities for volunteers to facilitate their own Social Clubs.
- Growing your social skills – You will learn so much from speaking to all kinds of people that you might never have crossed paths with.
- Reducing Isolation & Loneliness in your local community.
How can someone apply to volunteer with you and / or find out more info about the role before they apply?
To get involved sign up here: https://northlondoncares.org.uk/get-involved