
Fundraising tips for Trustees – A must event for both established and new trustees-

10th July 2024 – 6pm-7pm -online- book your place on Eventbrite

We’ve been listening to members of the Trustees Network and have heard how important it is for you to learn more about fundraising to support your organisation. As such, we are cordially inviting you to this important workshop facilitated by experts in the field:

  •          Three distinct components: Expert guest speaker, Q&A facilitated session and networking.
  •          Hosted online by Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) and Volunteer Centre Camden (VCC).
  •          Attendees need to register on Eventbrite to secure a spot, receive details about the event and access to our feedback form.
  •          Registration for the event on Eventbrite

Book here

Event hosts: Keith Morgan, VAC, Dominic Pinkney, VCC

Time (pm)


18.00 – 18.05

Arrival and Introduction – Dominic Pinkney

18.05 – 18.40

Guest speakers

All Ways Network


18.40 – 18.55

Q&A session

Facilitator: Keith Morgan

18.55 19.00


Closing statement




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